If you run an auto insurance company, you likely deal with endless digital forms and paperwork. If you also have to handle a revolving door of physical mail, it’s easy to either miss an important document or spend too much time sifting through junk mail.
Mail scanning services intercept and process your mail so you can spend more time on what matters: running your business.
Below, we’ll look at how these services work and how business owners and managers can use them to their advantage.
Mail scanning services receive letters and packages (regardless of carrier), scan the exterior, and digitally record the most important information. From there, each piece of mail is accessible via an online portal or website, depending on the provider’s setup.
While mail scanning can be helpful, a versatile scanning service that also provides virtual mailbox, address, and mailroom services can help streamline your business's mail operations even further. These services not only scan envelopes, they can open mail and scan the contents, accept and forward mail and packages, deposit checks into the appropriate account, and more.
If you’re inundated with requests, claims, and clarifications, versatile mail scanning services can help reduce busy work and trips to the post office. This helps you focus on settling claims faster and providing better customer service.
Mail scanning services reduce the workload for auto insurance companies, but they can also help streamline everything from organization to compliance. We’ll touch on the major benefits below.
Mail scanning services reduce clutter in the office, eliminate the risks of lost mail, and improve accuracy and timeliness for auto insurance companies. So if you accidentally shuffle an unopened letter into your filed paperwork or misclassify a claim document, you have an easy and accurate way to double-check the information.
For an auto insurance company, your organization is paramount to your agency’s success. When claims involve multiple parties — including police, doctors, and lawyers — a single missed document or package can result in anything from delayed settlements to denied claims based on missing information.
Let’s say an auto insurance adjuster requests proof of a claimant’s back injury after a recent car accident. The doctor sends the correct paperwork via certified mail, but the office manager incorrectly files it for a different claimant without first properly looking through all the pages.
The best mail scanning services will not only document the new mail’s receipt, but digitize the doctor’s report and tag it with appropriate keywords. This way, it’s easy for the insurance adjuster to search and clarify the details of the claim.
The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud reports that insurance fraud costs the U.S. $308.6 billion per year. A reputable mail scanning service processes and stores your tangible and electronic data using stringent protocols and encryption. GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2: multiple compliance regulations can apply to an auto insurance company’s physical address. The best scanning services are certified across the board, taking precautions that keep their clients’ — and their customers’ — data safe.
Maintaining documentation and paperwork is critical to staying on top of legitimate claims and investigating potentially fraudulent ones. However, as you might imagine, keeping and organizing all that paperwork can quickly become chaotic. Unlike a P.O. Box, a mail scanning service properly disposes of your physical documents and securely stores digital information so you can keep a handle on fraud.
In 2022, auto insurers paid out a record $242.9 billion. When every penny counts, a mail scanning service can help reduce your overall expenses.
Some mail scanning, forwarding, and shredding services, like Stable, process a high volume of mail and packages, entitling them to bulk rates with shipping carriers that we pass on to customers.
In addition to reducing mailroom costs for auto insurance companies, mail scanning also reduces the time your employees spend on processing — particularly when there are more pressing matters to attend to.
At an auto insurance company, you might receive mail from clients, doctors, federal agencies, or law enforcement organizations. If you miss an important mail item, lose it, or misclassify it as junk, you may create additional work for employees to sort through the problem or potentially risk fines for regulatory noncompliance.
Privacy and security should be your top priority when using a virtual mail service. When auto insurance companies handle both personally identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI), the mail scanning service should be certified HIPAA-compliant.
From there, you should assess the scanner’s efficiency and capabilities relative to their price point. While security measures come first, it’s the extras that make the difference. A reputable mail scanning service, like Stable, builds these intuitive features for auto insurance companies directly into their platform to help manage your workload.
You’ll also want to consider any additional digital mail services you may need and which providers offer them. A few highly beneficial add-ons for auto insurers include:
For busy auto insurance companies that deal with high volumes of mail containing sensitive information, a mail scanning service can simplify mail processing and make it less time-consuming and error-prone.
Stable is a virtual mailbox provider and mail scanning service that can help you organize information according to your insurance company’s workflows. At Stable, we offer interior letter and package scanning, mail forwarding, digital search tags, and versatile platform integrations, all while maintaining SOC-2 and HIPAA certifications.
If you’re ready to explore mail scanning services for your auto insurance company, get started with Stable today!